For all the white folks with the ears to hear who don’t make black pain all about your guilt Don’t make black rage all about your fear Who never stay quiet when verdicts is unfair Who join us in the fire steada stayin in the clear Cause they know they aint free till we all get there”

-Micah Bournes | Ally Anthem | click to listen

Thank you for being here

It is time to step down from center stage and shift our attention to making way for people who are oppressed by our White Supremacist country

Thank you for being willing to work toward a future without racism and mass incarceration. Ending these systems will not be an easy task and it will take much self-reflection and many difficult conversations. We cannot approach these issues with the idea that we alone can fix them. Instead we must step away from the center stage and lift up our bothers and sisters of color. We are not the heroes, we are the former perpetrators making ammends for our wrong doing and for the wrong doing of those who have gone before us.

Before we can start making steps in the right direction we must understand how racism evolved into mass incarceration, how it impacts the lives of every person of color in the US and how racism shows up in our own white-lives.